When Should You Seek Legal Advice from a Family Law Solicitor in Brisbane?

Family issues are often very stressful and emotional. This makes people make the wrong decisions when faced with different family issues. When you have family law solicitors, you can make the right decision that will lead to better results for your case. However, to get the assistance you need, you have to know when you should seek legal advice from the family law solicitors in Brisbane.  Fortunately, when you read this article to the end, you will learn the instances when seeking legal advice, which is the best decision that you can make.

Instances When You Should Seek Legal Advice from Family Solicitors in Brisbane

There are certain instances when you should always seek legal assistance from your family law solicitors. This includes the following instances:

  • When going through divorce or separation

Divorce or separation are among the most challenging family issues that members of a family, especially spouses, may have to face in time. These family issues are usually very stressful and emotional, which makes people make the wrong decisions. In such a case, your interests and rights will not be protected. Thus, it would be best if you looked for family law solicitors to offer you the advice you need to make informed decisions. They will also help you understand your rights and keep you objective during the divorce and separation proceedings.

  • When fighting for child custody

Another instance when legal advice from family law solicitors is very crucial is when you are fighting for custody of your child or children. Most spouses have a very hard time deciding on the parent who will live with the kids after divorce or separation or determining the amount of time the children can spend with each parent. However, you have to make sure that the decision that you are making considers the interests of your children. Thus, make sure that your family law solicitors provide you with reliable legal advice to help you make decisions that are in the best interests of your children.

  • Setting property and finances

This mainly happens when spouses have decided to divorce or separate after being married for a certain time.  Since dividing assets can be an issue, seeking legal advice is crucial.  They will help you ensure that you divide the assets fairly and equitably.

  • Deciding the amount of spousal maintenance

After a divorce or separation, spouses must determine the spousal maintenance suitable for the other partner.  During this period, you can seek legal advice from your family law solicitors in Brisbane so that they can help you figure out the way forward. Additionally, depending on your financial status, they will negotiate a spousal maintenance amount that will be favourable to you.

  • You are a victim of domestic violence

Victims of domestic violence are also required to seek legal advice for several reasons. For instance, through the legal advice you get, you will understand your rights and what to do to protect yourself. You will also be able to decide what to do after being abused so that you can seek justice. You can ask for restraining orders and the terms suitable for this kind of protection through the legal advice you get. Additionally, if you want to leave this abusive relationship, your family law solicitors will help you find out the best way to do it. As a result, you will be protecting yourself from the form of abuse that you are facing from your spouse or family member.

Family law solicitors in Brisbane are usually very important professionals, and you can count on the legal advice they offer you. Being legal experts,  you can trust them with your family issues, and they can help you carry out the burden of most family issues. Learn more about how family lawyers can assist you when you visit https://hartleyfamilylaw.com.au/.